Fiat self publishing roadmap



You are working SO hard in a silo, trying to do everything by yourself. You wish you could afford a business, book, or marketing coach/mentor to help you get unstuck.
What if we told you it was possible? That you could...
✔ Get that high-end coaching & mentorship you've desired.
✔ Get your questions answered and your work critiqued.
✔ Break out of your silo and find a community of Catholic self-publishers.
✔Obtain the sounding board you've dreamed of for brainstorming and collaboration.
✔And find Catholic book cover designers, editors, and illustrators who can help you (+ discounts!)

The type of coaching we offer can often be hundreds, even thousands, of dollars if sought out on your own. 🤯

And we get it. Our instructors are THAT good. But, most author's wallets don't get it.
But we need more good, true, and beautiful books! Which is why I've struck up strategic relationships with an INCREDIBLE group of instructors who are willing to coach you, present on helpful topics, provide critiques, answer your questions, and help you succeed!
I'm convinced this new model of group coaching and supportive community is exactly what Catholic authors need now more than ever.

The best thing?

This saves authors so much time, money, and energy!
(That they can spend on actually writing and creating... 🥰)


✔ You've already self-published and are looking for ways to improve your marketing.
✔ You know how to self-publish, but you crave feedback and support on this journey.
✔ You want high-end book, business, writing, and marketing coaching for a fraction of the cost.
✔ You are committed to elevating the standards of self-publishing. You might want to save money but you don't want to cut corners!
✔ You think of your book as a business and you want it to be successful.
✔ Most of all, you want to do God's will and keep God at the center of your creative process.
👉This is also for those enrolled in our Self-Publishing 101 Roadmap/Course who are learning how to self-publish and want a supportive community to apply that knowledge.
👉And for those who are on the fence about self-publishing and want to gain some more info before committing.




The first Catholic self-publishing community and coaching program for authors! It's a combination of virtual events, group coaching, recorded videos, digital resources, and a private community to help you gain clarity and momentum.

Here's what's included:

Catholic self-publishing checklist
Virtual Group Coaching, Critiques, Interviews & Presentations
We have exciting opportunities each month on a variety of topics. This is your chance to ask questions and learn from the experts!

View Our Calendar Here!

catholic self-publishing course
Peer Community
This is THE place for Catholic self-publishers. Make new friends, bounce ideas around, and hold one another accountable. Join critique groups, matchups, and a private forum (not on Facebook) where you can chat all about self-publishing.

Catholic self-publishing workbook
Instructor Access
Gain limited access to Founder Kate Frantz and select Instructors who are in the peer community with you! We monitor the group for unanswered questions and are sure to jump in the conversation to help out.

Learn More about Our Instructors!

catholic self publishing directory
Illustrators, Service Providers & Printers
Use our directory to find the right people to help you with your book. Many have chosen to offer discounts for you! We have 20+ illustrators (with art portfolios you can browse), 35+ service providers (book cover designers, editors, typesetters), and a short list of our favorite printers.

Catholic self publishing interviews
ALL Previous Event Recordings
We have over 40 expert interviews, presentations, and coaching sessions available for you to instantly watch.

View the List Here!

Catholic self publishing digital resources
Digital Resources
Our library is loaded with PDF handouts, presentation slides, and incredible resources like sample press releases, contact information for the top 50 Catholic media outlets, and more!

View the List Here!


Some of our favorite lessons from our course covering basic information every self-publisher should know.
course sampler
On the fence about self-publishing? Use this information to gain a better understanding of the self-publishing process so you can make an informed decision.
Already self-published? Consider whether you have any knowledge gaps. Pay particular attention to the non-negotiable areas of self-publishing and if your current book(s) meet these criteria.


Our events vary each month and include things like:
Coaching: Business, Marketing, Spiritual Direction, etc.
Critiques: Back cover blurbs, email landing pages, Instagram bios, book cover designs, etc.
Presentations, Interviews, and Tutorials: Hot topics in self-publishing, Q/A sessions, & more.
Fellowship: From time to time, we'll host brainstorming sessions, work sprints, meet & greets, critique group meetings, and more. Largely based on member feedback and availability.







(All our events are listed below. You can type in a date range to see specific events happening in the next 30 days).

Events are subject to change. For coaching and critiques: Members will receive a sign-up form and deadline to reserve a spot. We use a lottery system if more people apply than we have spots available (typically 4-6 per event). All members are encouraged to attend as there is much to learn by watching other members receive coaching.



Scheduled Virtual Events ($200 value)
Instructor Access ($200 value)
Peer Community ($10 value)
Directory + Discounts ($250 value)
Over 40 Event Recordings ($2,500 value)

(Interviews, Presentations, Coaching)

Digital Resources ($250 value)
Course Sampler ($100 value)

(Basics of Self-Publishing all authors should know)

TOTAL: ($3,510 Value)

For $35/month

Are you ready to get the support, networking, and coaching you've been craving?

This is your chance to get unstuck!
Improve your marketing, strengthen your business, and grow in fellowship with other Catholic self-publishers.


We try to be an open book 😂 when it comes to our offerings and policies. Please read before purchasing!

Can I get a refund if I change my mind?
Because you will be gaining immediate access to content and resources, we do not issue refunds.
Am I am able to cancel my subscription?
Yes. Cancel anytime before your next bill.
How long can I access everything?
Your membership is monthly and gives you access to everything for 30 days.
How do I access everything?
We use Teachable as our learning platform where you'll access the course sampler, digital library, and video recordings. Teachable is best accessed via your desktop browser. There is also an iOS app with basic features.
We use the platform for our community. This can be accessed via desktop web browser, desktop app, iOS and Android apps.
Live Events are usually held through Zoom.
How do I get the discounts?
When you join, you'll get access to our Service Provider Directory where you can search for illustrators, book cover designers, editors, printers and more. Any provider offering a discount will be starred accordingly and will have specific instructions for obtaining the discount. Service providers may ask you for proof of membership before granting the discount.
How does group coaching work?
Sometimes we all join to chat together as a group. Other times, we will bring members on to the "virtual stage" to talk with a coach. The wonderful thing about group coaching is that you often do end up getting one-on-one coaching, it's just in a group setting where other people can watch and learn. Group sessions are recorded so other members can watch later.
Will I be guaranteed coaching or critiques of my work?
While all members can attend, coaching and critique spots are typically limited to 4-6 people / event. If we get more sign ups than spots available, we use a lottery system to select those who will receive coaching.
You can learn SO much by watching other people be coached. Many of your peers will have very similar questions. You also get access to ALL our previous coaching sessions.
How much instructor access do I get?
Our Founder Kate Frantz and various instructors are present in the online peer community and monitor for any unanswered questions. We genuinely care about your progress and want you to succeed. The expectation is for communication to be contained within Heartbeat discussion threads as opposed to 1:1 Direct Messaging. This way all members can see questions and join in the conversation.
Who is this membership for? What stage of self-publishing?
This membership is best for those who have sufficient self-publishing knowledge and experience OR for those who are actively learning the fundamentals of self-publishing through our course.
The monthly membership is meant to expand upon your self-publishing knowledge, give you opportunities to apply that knowledge, ask questions, and get feedback.
I'm not sure I want to self-publish... but I'm curious and would like to learn more. What should I do?
Those curious about self-publishing are always welcome to join! You'll get great information from our included Course Sampler about the basics of self-publishing.
Just keep in mind that the membership is not meant to replace the Self-Publishing 101 course.
How much overlap is there between your monthly membership and your self-publishing 101 roadmap / course?
Unique to the membership: virtual event access (coaching, critiques, Q/A sessions, interviews, presentations, etc.), previously recorded coaching & critique sessions, peer community, and instructor access.
Unique to the roadmap/course: Self-publishing checklist, workbook, worksheets, course modules, and additional video lessons.
Both provide access to the directory and discounts. The Roadmap/Course contains many of the digital resources and previously recorded interviews and presentations that Author Members have access to. Author Members have a Course Sampler containing some lessons from the Roadmap/Course that provide an overview of self-publishing.
Is your membership open to high schoolers?
Our membership is for anyone 18 years or older.
Is this just for authors who are self-publishing?
We welcome all authors! While our Membership is designed for self-publishing authors, we recognize that our resources, community, and events may appeal to all authors. Even those who have traditionally published may find themselves in need of marketing support.
Will I get help with my writing?
We are focused on the business and logistics of self-publishing as opposed to the craft of writing. While we occasionally hold group writing coaching sessions and assist in forming critique groups, our intent is not to replace the need for formal writing instruction.
Do I have to be Catholic to enroll?
Everyone is welcome! Just know, we teach through the lens of the Catholic faith and do not support the creation of books contrary to Catholic Church teaching.
Do I need to be working on a Catholic book?
Authors working on all types of books, faith-based and non-faith-based are encouraged to join.
Is this for fiction and nonfiction authors?
Our membership spans a variety of books and genres. e.g., memoirs, planners, children's books, nonfiction and fiction, etc.
I am outside the United States, can I sign up?
Yes! Just keep in mind, most of our support is based on U.S. systems and publishing practices. While you will definitely gain access to helpful resources, not everything will apply to those living outside the U.S.
What kinds of critiques do you provide? Will you review my manuscript?
Our event calendar will show if there are any upcoming critique sessions. These sessions include things like critiques of back cover blurbs, email landing pages, book covers, and Instagram bios. Our instructors do not provide full manuscript or in-depth review of your work.
What if I can't attend your virtual events?
Our coaching sessions, presentations, interviews and tutorials are all recorded! As long as your subscription is still active, you will be able to access the recording when it is added (usually within a couple days of the event). For many of our events, we allow members to ask questions in advance that can be asked on your behalf. Please note: Brainstorming sessions, peer-organized critique groups and matchups, and meet & greet social events, are not recorded.
Am I going to be a bestselling author?
We don't know, and we caution you from working with anyone who tells you otherwise! Self-publishing is hard work. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. We do hope that by joining, you will save time, money, and have your best shot at success.
Will you be my publisher?
We are not your publisher and you retain all rights to your book.
Will you be doing my editing, book cover design or other services?
We train you to find those service providers to work with on your own. Our goal is to empower you to become the project manager and creative director for your book, so you can self-publish on your own terms.
I have more questions!
Great, please reach out to [email protected] and we'd be happy to assist!