Setting Realistic Expectations

It is important to set some realistic expectations when self-publishing:

  • Be kind to yourself. There is a learning curve to self-publishing. You are essentially becoming a project manager on something you've never done before!
  • "The 'average' self-published, digital-only book sells about 250 copies in its lifetime" (Scribe Media). My hope is that you exceed this number by taking this course. But I think knowing this number helps set expectations.
  • It takes time. You'll need to build a customer base and platform. Oftentimes your first book is just a launching pad for a more successful second or third book.
  • It costs money. I hope to save you money along the way, but some things, like editing and cover design, are simply non-negotiable. It is worse to cut corners, do things yourself, and rush a book to market than to wait, save up, and hire professionals to do it right.

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